What Witches Do
A study course on the Theory and Practice of Contemporary Witchcraft.

What Witches Do: Application Form
Thanks for contacting us. As we explained on the website we don’t often run these courses and they are normally oversubscribed when we do, so it’s important to us to select people who will benefit most from them.
Please try to answer these questions as fully and honestly as possible. Some are designed to allow us to get to know a bit about you and others will help us to have an understanding of any existing knowledge and experience you may have in this area. Take your time and think about them carefully. We are not looking for any correct answers because there aren’t any! What we are looking for is honesty and a knowledge of you. Everything will be kept strictly confidential.
We will of course get back to you either way and if we are able to offer you a place on the course we will then send you full details on the location of the course and details on payment.