What Witches Do
A study course on the Theory and Practice of Contemporary Witchcraft.
The Course
Today’s witches don’t fly on their broomsticks or even their Dysons. Most are not easy to spot as they don’t normally wear a pentagram the size of an Olympic medal or come heavily adorned with occult tattoos and symbols.
Witches or Wiccans as they are now often called, are women and men from all walks of life including, teachers, professors, lawyers, builders, computer coders, business people and people like you. So, what makes them “witches”? What do they do and why do they do it?
There is a multitude of information on-line and books on Witchcraft – some good and some bad – but there are some things that can only be understood through experience. This short course sets out to answer these questions and to give its participants enough knowledge and experience of witchcraft to know if it is a path they would like to explore further.

Is this for you?
This 5- week course is designed for people with an interest in the theory and practice of what is known as “The Craft” in the hope that it will help participants decide if this is something that resonates within them. We also hope this will help to promote a better understanding of Wicca within the wider community for people who are just curious.
Starting with an explanation of what witchcraft is and what witches do, as the course progresses it becomes more experiential, to give you a feeling of the energies involved, giving a more holistic understanding. While the course is open to people of all ages, sex and nationalities 18 years old and above, we only have room for a very limited number of people and as it has been oversubscribed in the past we ask you to complete a short questionnaire to help us decide who we can accept. If you are interested then please complete it and send it off to us. No payment is required until you are accepted on the course.
Practical Matters

“What Witches Do” is run by a group of volunteers on a non-profit basis. The course starts on Monday 20th April in a location in Islington, London N1 – close to a tube and runs from 7:30 pm – 9:30pm including a 10-minute break. The cost of the course is £60 for all 5 sessions paid for in advance and continues every Monday for the following 4-weeks. The fee is just to cover
the cost of hiring the venue and promoting the course.